Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 23 TeachAgChat Hosted by Texas A&M IMS

March 23rd, 2017 Teach Ag Chat

Title: Teach 'em, Group 'em, Test 'em


Hosts: Texas A&M IMS
Time 8:00 PM EST Time
How: Follow the Twitter Account @TeachAgChat and the Social Media Hashtag #TeachAgChat for more information.

Schedule of Prompts

At 8:00 PM we will begin the twitter chat with Introductions:
Introduction of PDA team and #TeachAgChat
Introduction of those on chat – What is your role in the #AgED Community? What State are you from? #TeachAgChat

Order of Prompts:

1. How do we create assessments to evaluate industry readiness?
2. How do you assess students’ individual performance in group exercises?
3. What group assignments have you found most successful?
4. What is your view on the role of testing in the classroom?
5. What do you believe are the necessary elements of designing effective group work?
6. In what ways do you evaluate student success in the classroom?
7. What style of teaching do you find most effective? Is this your primary teaching style?
8. How do we teach soft skills in the agricultural science classroom?
9. How do you address conflicts during group assignments?
10. How do you motivate students to meet high academic expectations?

Pitch Time! Share with us the cool ideas you have in the #AgEdu Community #TeachAgChat

Please tune in Thursday March 23rd, 2017 at 8 PM EST to join this Teach Ag Chat.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

March 9th #TeachAgChat Hosted by Virginia Tech ACLE

March 9th, 2017 Teach Ag Chat

Title: Cooperation and Cooperative Learning


Hosts: Virginia Tech ACLETime 8:00 PM EST Time
How: Follow the Twitter Account @TeachAgChat and the Social Media Hashtag #TeachAgChat for more information.

Cooperation and Cooperative Learning
#TeachAgChat Thursday March 9th from 8 – 9 PM EST
1)      How do you incorporate cooperation or cooperative learning in lessons and FFA activities? #TeachAgChat #CooperativeLearning
6)      What practices do you use to help students understand and appreciate (not necessarily agree with) the perspective of others? #TeachAgChat

2)      How do students handle working together in cooperative teams and depending on each other in the classroom and for CDE’s? #TeachAgChat
7)      How do you incorporate student reflections or self-assessment in cooperative learning activities / protjects and team CDE’s? #TeachAgChat #metacognition

3)      How can individual accountability be established and managed in classroom cooperative learning and FFA projects? #TeachAgChat #CooperativeLearning
8)      What are your biggest challenges in getting students to work together cooperatively in teams in the classroom and for FFA activities? #TeachAgChat #CooperativeLearning

4)      How do you engage students in building positive peer interactions and helping each other learn in the classroom and in FFA activities? #TeachAgChat
9)      What are your strategies for building cooperation between local businesses / organizations and your Ag program + FFA chapter? #TeachAgChat

5)      How do you help students to develop and improve their small team interpersonal skills and link them to career development? #TeachAgChat #CareerSkills
10)   How do you cooperative with other Ag teachers and what impact does that have on your professional practice and your work life balance? #TeachAgChat #AgEdLife

Moderated by @DrMattSpindler and @opmccubbins

Schedule of Prompts

At 8:00 PM we will begin the twitter chat with Introductions:
Introduction of PDA team and #TeachAgChat
Introduction of those on chat – How long of you been teaching? What State are you from? #TeachAgChat

1)      How do you incorporate cooperation or cooperative learning in lessons and FFA activities? #TeachAgChat #CooperativeLearning
6)      What practices do you use to help students understand and appreciate (not necessarily agree with) the perspective of others? #TeachAgChat

2)      How do students handle working together in cooperative teams and depending on each other in the classroom and for CDE’s? #TeachAgChat
7)      How do you incorporate student reflections or self-assessment in cooperative learning activities / protjects and team CDE’s? #TeachAgChat #metacognition

3)      How can individual accountability be established and managed in classroom cooperative learning and FFA projects? #TeachAgChat #CooperativeLearning
8)      What are your biggest challenges in getting students to work together cooperatively in teams in the classroom and for FFA activities? #TeachAgChat #CooperativeLearning

4)      How do you engage students in building positive peer interactions and helping each other learn in the classroom and in FFA activities? #TeachAgChat
9)      What are your strategies for building cooperation between local businesses / organizations and your Ag program + FFA chapter? #TeachAgChat

5)      How do you help students to develop and improve their small team interpersonal skills and link them to career development? #TeachAgChat #CareerSkills
10)   How do you cooperative with other Ag teachers and what impact does that have on your professional practice and your work life balance? #TeachAgChat #AgEdLife

Pitch Time! Share with us the cool ideas you have in the #AgEdu Community #TeachAgChat

Please tune in Thursday March 9th, 2017 at 8 PM EST to join this Teach Ag Chat.